
Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

-The health benefits of chocolate stem from the antioxidant compounds found within the cocoa beans.

-Hence the attraction of dark chocolate over milk chocolate because it contains a higher percentage (usually 70%) of cocoa.

What are antioxidants?

Cocoa contains antioxidants such as 'Flavanoids', these are substances which help protect the body from damage caused by 'free radicals'.

It is this damage which causes ageing, and is a major contributor to diseases such as cancer, heart disease and declines in the immune and brain functions.

Free radicals

These are groups of molecules formed by exposure to oxygen (oxidation). They then become unstable, interact with and damage cells within our bodies.  

Antioxidants deactivate and eliminate these destructive molecules before they can attack the cells, they are essentially guardians of our bodies. Without them, free radicals accumulate and weaken our bodies.

Antioxidants can also be found in red wines, green tea, blueberries and various vegetables.

Milk Vs Dark Chocolate

The underlying problem with milk chocolate is that the milk interferes with the absorption of antioxidants, potentially nullifying the benefits from eating chocolate. Research suggests that milk proteins bind and block the body's absorption of antioxidant. One must therefore avoid consuming dark chocolate with a glass of milk. And as for white chocolate, I would avoid it because the processing method removes all of the antioxidant benefits.

Raw Vs Processed

The manufacturing process of heating cacao beans at high temperature destroys most of the antioxidants and minerals. It is therefore much healthier to eat the raw cacao (cocoa) bean rather than the refined product.

However because natural coca contains such a high levels of antioxidants, destroying even 75% of these will still leave it with higher amounts compared to other antioxidant rich foods. According to Rob Horn from livestrong, cocoa is the world's leading antioxidant-rich food, containing 15 times more antioxidants than blueberries.

Health Benefits

- It reduces your blood pressure and lowers your cholesterol (it reduces the bad cholesterol - LDL).

-It contains theobromine - a mood enhancing compound which dilates the blood vessels.

-Contains Flavanoids, an antioxidant (anti-inflammatory substance) which promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and shields the body against toxins (free radicals).

-Its highly rich source of magnesium - for healthy bones, teeth and relaxation of blood vessels.

-Rich source of Sulphur - Helps build strong nails, hair and beautiful skin.

-Stimulates the release of love chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin. These cause feelings of euphoria, sexual desire and peacefulness.

How much Dark Chocolate

According to Mayaclinic, eating one square a day will provide you with the benefits without gaining weight.

Controversy surrounding Theobromine

Theobromine Alkaloid is only harmful to animals (particularly dogs) as their bodies are less adept at metabolizing this compound than humans. Of course anything is poisonous in large enough quantities - for example alcohol contains ethanol, a poison in its own right.

The Royal Society of Chemistry piece on Theobromine.  

Sunday, 19 January 2014

What is Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)? A Pyramid Scheme.

Its a business model where the sales forces are compensated not only for the products they personally sell, but for the sales of other distributors/salespeople they recruit to sell.

These new salespeople are then compensated by and incentivised to recruit other distributors. The cycle continues creating an ever expanding pyramid with a hierarchy of multiply compensation levels.


The business model is unsustainable because of its focus on endless recruiting, rather than actually selling the product to the end consumer.

When salespeople join the scheme, they are required and incentivised to purchase the product. The downline is continually expanded, with exploitative cult-like techniques and slick sales presentations used to keep luring new members in.

These pyramid schemes keep growing until markets reach saturation. MLM has been described as a 'train with no brakes and no engineer heading full-throttle towards a terminal'.

My view

I find this sales model repugnant, it is nothing more than a pyramid scheme of exploitation preying on the most vulnerable people (unemployed and ethnic minorities). MLM firms use manipulative presentations and over-hyped claims appealing to 'The American Dream'.

The bait: images of expensive cars, luxuries holidays, Yachts and money.

It begs the question: If the product is so great, why not use conventional marketing models? In most cases, 99% of participants in these Ponzi schemes fail and don't ever make a profit.

Recommended reading

A perfect example of this deceptive marketing scheme is Herbalife. A global MLM nutrition company. I strongly recommend Brent A. Wilkes article from the Huffington post about 'Herbalife's' MLM pyramid scheme.

Pershing Square Capital Management L.P. has put together a site called 'facts about herbalife', its presentation is a eye-opening read, on the first presentation slide they call it 'Robin hood in reverse'

A short educational video by Investopedia on Multi-Level Marketing.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

How to get a good night's sleep

-Adults typically require between 6 to 9 hours sleep per day

-We spend a third of our life sleeping, therefore it is crucial that we sleep wisely.

Advantages of good night's sleep

-A good night's sleep helps improve your mental awareness, memory, life expectancy and ability to ward of disease.

-Sleep is also involved in healing and repair of the body. It reduces stress, the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes etc

Criteria for a good night's sleep

-Adopt a strict bedtime schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time. 

-Adopt a consistent bedtime ritual to train your brain to become familiar with sleep and waking times. For example perform the same activities as you wind down, such as listening to relaxing music and reading.

-Write down a 'to do list' to clear your mind of any distractions. To reduce anxiety, always jot what's on your mind and set it aside for tomorrow.

-Finish eating meal two to three hours before bed and ensure snacks are taken at least 90 minute before bed as well.

-Regular exercise promotes healthy sleep. Ensure this is done much earlier in the day and not right before bed.

-Research shows that watching TV, using a computer or other electronic devices at night suppresses the production of a sleep-inducing hormone called melatonin. 
The artificial light emitted by these devices makes it more difficult to fall asleep.

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone involved in regulating your sleep and wake cycle. It is referred to as the 'Dracula hormone' because its affected by our exposure to light. In order to make you sleepy, your body produces more melatonin during the evening when it’s dark. And conversely, melatonin levels fall during the day when it’s light. You can naturally increase your melatonin levels. 

How to naturally boost your bodies Melatonin levels:

-Avoid artificial lights (TV's, computers and phones) at night because they stimulate the mind and suppress melatonin production.

-Ensure that your bedroom is dark, ideally pitch black

-Avoiding caffeine, sugar and processed foods

-Eat foods which boost melatonin - bananas, oranges, oats, rice, peanuts, tomatoes and seeds.

Eat foods containing Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps induce the production of serotonin, which is required to make melatonin. Foods containing tryptophan include:

Dairy products
Turkey and chicken
Whole grains
Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds

And some micronutrients are also important in the production of melatonin:

Vitamin B-6 (chicken, fish, banana and red meat)

Zinc (red meat, chicken, oysters, cheese, milk, eggs, seeds and nuts)

Magnesium (dark chocolate:1 to 2 ounces per day, bananas, milk, wholemeal bread, potatoes, oatmail and breakfast cereals)

Folic acid (cereals, rice, pastas, leafy green vegetables and oranges)

Interesting reads and Podcasts on sleep

The Peter Attia Drive - Matthew Walker, Ph.D on the Dangers of Poor Sleep.

The Joe Rogan Experience – Sleep Expert and Neuroscientist Dr. Matthew Walker.

Cupids chemicals

In the science behind love and relationships, I commonly hear the names of chemical substances and hormones (such as oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine) used. This is my little post to help me understand their meaning and purpose.

What are neurotransmitters

These are brain substances, they transmit signals between nerve cells (neurons). They communicate information throughout the body. They impact mood, sleep concentration etc.


Hormones are chemical substances released directly into the blood stream, they act as your bodies 'messenger molecules' carrying information to the tissues and organs. They help your body perform certain functions - such as growth and development, metabolism, mood, sexual function etc.

Hormones and chemical substances associated with love


This powerful chemical is often named the 'cuddle hormone', its released during bodily contact, kissing, sex, the birth of child and breast feeding.

During organisms the brain is flooded with this love molecule. Oxytocin helps to promotes a sense of calm and peacefulness.

It also plays a critical role in human bonding because it increases empathy and makes us trust people more.


Increased oxytocin levels helps relieve stress and pain (contains anti-inflammatory properties).

High oxytocin levels act as a anti-depressant.

They improves digestion, through its presence inside the intestinal tract it reduces intestinal inflammation.

Increases optimism, trust and reduces social anxiety. It helps us overcome shyness and social inhibitions.


This is another pain killing hormone. It is released during sexual intercourse (most potent trigger), exercise and the consumption of certain foods and drinks such as chocolate.

Endorphins are known as the 'drug hormone' because of their addictive properties. They behave similarly to drugs such as morphine.  


They reduce our feeling of pain, relieve stress and lead to feelings of euphoria.

Endorphins released during regular sex can boost cells in your immune system to help fight disease.


Also a pleasure hormone. Its produced after sex, eating, drinking, taking risks, drug taking, achieving goals etc. Chocolate for example elevates dopamine levels.

Dopamine's involved in both reward and motivation. Dopamine drives us to eat or have sex, it essentially motivates us to do things.

For example - the activity of accumulating wealth, shopping, having organisms, gaining power and video games etc all enhance dopamine levels.

Heightened levels of this chemical lead to more craving, which explains it's very addictive properties.


A neurotransmitter and another 'feel good' hormone. It regulates mood, sexual appetite, digestion, sleep, metabolism, perceptions of pain and appetite.

Secretion functions are inhibitory, the release of serotonin reduces sexual desire, appetite, pain and has a sleep-inducing effect (this is why men want to sleep after sex).

Low levels cause stress, sleep disorder and depression. Conversely high levels lead to happiness and better sleep.

Serotonin levels can be increased during regular aerobic exercise, sex and amino acid rich diets.

Adrenaline (Epinephrine)

A hormone involved in the 'fight or flight' response. It helps humans respond to severe danger or stress.

A rush of adrenaline causes our hearts to beat faster, our bodies to release more energy, it increases breathing and heightens our senses.

In the context of love - when you are attracted to another person, you experience a dry mouth, faster our heartbeat and causes sweaty hands.

References and interesting reads

George Dvorsky, 10 Reasons Why Oxytocin Is The Most Amazing Molecule In The World, 7/12/2012

Anna Hodgekiss 'Why it makes women fall in love' from Daily Mail, on August 2011.

Ryan Hurd, 'how does Serotonin affect sleep?' from LiveStrong.

Natasha Turner, ND: 'Why sex is good for you', Chatelaine.

Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD : 'Endorphins: Natural Pain and Stress Fighters' from

JohnThomas Didymus: 'why men only want to roll over and sleep after sex' from Digital Journal.

Kanika Goswami: 'The Chemistry of Love',  from Buzzle.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Why positive thinking is bad for you

Titled 'Smile or Die', this beautifully animated video explores the dangers of positive thinking. Its produced by Barbara Ehrenreich (Author and Journalist) in conjunction with RSA.


Summarizing the video:

-She expresses dismay at 'mandatory optimism', believing it to be a delusion and a mistake. I agree, negative things need to be confronted with intelligent thinking and action, not positive thoughts.

-She refutes the idea that you can somehow control the physical world with your thoughts. For example making things that you desire come to you, such as money and fame - being happy cannot remake the world. An example used is the self-help book 'The Secret', which advocates positive thoughts to attract things to you. There is no concrete scientific evidence behind this

Furthermore she Links positive thinking to the financial crisis. For example anybody who expressed caution and explained that house prices couldn't rise for ever was sacked. Nobody was allowed to think bad thoughts, doubt wasn't tolerated.

This point is best articulated in Fareed Zakaria's (Journalist) book 'The Post American World'. He explains how a kind of 'reverse natural selection' occurred on Wall Street. Every time someone at a financial institution pressed for more leverage and risk, the following years proved them correct. These people were promoted and emboldened , gaining control over greater capital. While those who expressed caution where passed over for promotion and became increasingly isolated.

-She believes it is cruel to tell people with immense difficulties in their life (Poverty or unemployment) that it's all in your head, just change your attitude.

-Barbara Ehrenreich advocates 'REALISM'.

The Secret' by Rhonda Bryne

The premise of this callous self-help book is that you can get anything you want in life by thinking positively to attract things to you - wealth, fame and happiness. In the book, the concept of attracting things to your with positive thoughts is called the 'Law of Attraction'.

Dr. Jim Taylor (clinical associate professor of psychology) describes how Rhonda Bryne exploits our greatest human weakness - that is we can get something for nothing, that we can achieve our goals without blood, sweat or tears.

Alain De Botton

The equation for happiness is reality minus your expectations. The problem is western societies foster unrealistic hopes for their citizens. It's the growing divergence between their aspirations and the reality of life that exacerbates misery and frustrations.

Ironically, philosopher 'Alain de Botton' says that we'd be a lot more cheerful if we learnt to be bit more pessimistic.

He argues that it's the incompatibility between grandeur aspirations and the mean reality of life which generates severe disappointments.

We must learn to adjust our expectations to an imperfect world which doesn't always conform to our desires. We need to reconcile ourselves to the imperfectability of our existence. Misery, boredom, jealousy, wretchedness etc are all common inevitable realities of mankind.